World Agrocode Program with the software Agrowin, is a service package for analyzing crop protection and seed market data from different sources that is owned by the client. It provides access to harmonized and consolidated global agricultural market data, including treated and cultivated areas data, consumption data, market volumes and market values and much more. Agrowin provides a specifically designed tool to perform different market simulations as well.
Advantages of Agrowin
- A standard software package (Agrowin Pro) for the data analysis and data input
- Standardization and consolidation of market data from multiple sources
- Maintenance of database, feeding in data, verification and modification of database
- Supply help to data suppliers and to data analysts
- Conceive client specific solutios if necessary (Flexigroups)
- Hosting services for the database
- Windows compatible
- Pivot table reports
- Export option to Excel, csv or database files
- Interface for business intelligence graphic tools
- Support with handling of the harmonized data on global level
Together, these solutions provide an advanced service pack for the global agricultural data market.