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PhytoScan an Android and iOs app which provides full details on crop protection products data, Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and more, featuring a real time pesticide barcode scanner.

Promoting sustainable farming practices with real time, up-to-date regulatory information on Plant Protection Products

Farming in sustainable ways requires good knowledge and understanding of Plant Protection Products (PPPs). To facilitate this task, we have developed PhytoScan, a mobile App which promotes sustainable farming practices by providing up-to-date regulatory information on PPPs. Real time data includes: registered crops, pests & diseases, methods/times of application, globally harmonized export dataset options for compliance and traceability purposes, among other features. The selected information can then be transmitted from the App to required certified documentation, or to a general farm management system. Exported dataset may contain not only national information of selected PPPs, but also Internationally harmonized standards with CAS-numbers, EPPO -codes for crops. Data may also be consolidated at international level for multiple suppliers.

PhytoScan integrates a label scanner, which users can use to retrieve up-to-date regulatory and safety information directly from both Homologa and Basagri and check for product suitability in real time.

PhytoScan is already available in France, and grants access to individual protection equipment information as well as descriptions on how to handle products to ensure their adequate storage.

PhytoScan is available for Android and iOS.

Get it on Google Play Download on the App Store

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